Uno Monster High Rules

uno monster highUno Monster High is one of the newer spin-off versions of Uno to have come out in recent times. The game is based on the Monster High fashion doll franchise that Mattel launched in 2010.

Just like the classic Uno game, the objective is to get rid of all your cards in each round while scoring points from any cards that your opponents are holding. Most of the card functions are the same as the original Uno.


Be the first player to get rid of all your cards per round, and ultimately score 500 points (or whichever number is mutually agreed upon by all players). 2-10 players may play.

Starting the Game:

The dealer is the person with the highest points after each player has drawn a card. The dealer shuffles the cards and hands out 7 cards to each player. The remaining deck forms the Draw pile and the topmost card of the Draw pile is taken off and turned over to form the Discard pile. If that card is a Wild or Wild Draw 4 card, return it and pick another. For any other Action card, the special instructions for that card will apply.

Action Cards:

creeperific urrrhhh card

All the Action cards for Uno Monster High have the same functions as the original Uno game, but one card is different and only applies for Uno Monster High. This card is the Creeperific Urrrhhh Card.

For this card, when you discard it, you can choose any color from your hand to give away, starting with the player on your left and moving clockwise until you run out of that color. While giving out your card(s), you should mutter “Urrrhhh” just like a zombie!

The Creeperific Urrrhhh Card is a Wild card, so you get to choose the color that resumes play. If this card is picked at the beginning of the game, the first player needs to choose the color to resume play.


  • All number cards (0-9) – Face Value
  • Draw Two, Reverse, Skip – 20 points
  • Wild, Wild Draw Four, Creeperific Urrrhhh – 50 points


uno monster high cardsThe person on the dealer’s left starts play. Each player must match a card in their hand with the top card in the Discard pile. The cards are matched by number/color/symbol (Action Cards).

If no matching cards are at hand, the player needs to take a card from the Draw pile. If this card matches, it can be played; otherwise play moves on to the next player. You can choose not to play any cards during your turn, but you will have to draw a card from the Draw pile. You can play this card on the same turn if possible, but you cannot play anything else afterwards, and play moves on.

Just like the classic Uno, you need to say “Uno” aloud when you are about to play your second last card. Fail to do this, and if another player catches you before the next player from you begins their turn – you will need to draw 2 cards.

Once a player finishes all his/her cards, the round is over, and he/she gains points from the cards left with the others. If the Draw pile is finished and no player has managed to discard all their cards before then, shuffle the Discard pile and resume play.

Alternative Gameplay:

Another way is to “reverse” the gameplay objective; keep a running score count of how many points each player is left with, at the end of each round. When a player reaches 500 points (suggested), the player with the lowest points wins instead.

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